On-demand Webinar

Demystifying Teal Organization and T-shaped Teams, starting with why?

Speaker : Satyavrat Nirala
Date : October 9th 2020 7:30 pm IST
Training Level : Advanced
Duration : 60 Min
Webinar ID : W20040

Frederick Laloux introduced the term Teal organization. He also distinguishes different types of organizations with different characteristics representing colors such as Red, Green, Amber, Orange, and Teal. With each shift in the society, a new organization structures were formed and this evolved management practices which was more mature and effective than the previous stage.

Certain organizations will be straight forward in one color, but few will be having a mixture of colors that reflects the dominant societal power structure. We will try to look at the ideology to reality of teal organizations, and what is stopping us, how to create the cultural environment which eventually helps teams to understand the true meaning of T -shaped.

Why you should attend

A Teal organization, which is evolving to be one of the most used structures worldwide. How can any organization create an enterprise structures that is most powerful which transcends above the natural evolution and goes against the animalistic nature of view towards people.

For most of us, being in the journey of teal or towards being teal is normally around 3 of the core competencies, self-management, wholeness, and evolutionary purpose. We are seeking to demystify the context of teal and eventually looking at the impact on the environment for encouraging T shaped teams.

Areas covered in the webinar

  • What Team is all about?
  • Why is being Teal seems impossible for most of us?
  • Demystifying the real sense of being teal
  • Teal and T-shaped teams

Who will benefit from this webinar?

Job roles that can benefit from this Demystifying Teal Organizations webinar include, but are not limited to:
  • CEOs
  • Founders
  • Directors
  • Managers
  • Leaders
  • Anybody who wants to understand why they need to change

Speaker Profile

Satyavrat is among the top 100 practitioners in the world with Agile leadership body of knowledge with all the three levels, essential, team and organisation from scrum alliance. He is currently working with leadership teams, and CXOs, Managers, to co-create and co-learn a futuristic approach for organisations. He is also a strong follower of Marshall Goldsmith’s idea of giving back. His ultimate vision is to create a bubble of co-learners who can impact towards the greater good of humanity.

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