Importance of implementing DevSecOps for Enterprises

If you’ve had any exposure to software and app development recently, then you’ve surely heard about the concept of DevOps. With significant growth in popularity, DevOps has quickly become the leading method many companies use to improve their software development process. 

This is because DevOps is effective and has proved it with phenomenal results. That being said, as with all concepts and methodologies in the IT sector, DevOps has also undergone certain advancements, which have led to the introduction of DevSecOps. 

Read on to discover what DevSecOps is, how it’s distinct from DevOps, and how its adoption can greatly benefit your organization. 

What is DevSecOps?

To properly explain the concept of DevSecOps, let’s first understand what DevOps is in the first place. 

DevOps is a set of methods and tools that connect software/app development (Dev) with operations (Ops) information technology (IT). DevOps improves an organization’s capacity to extend applications and services quicker and provides many benefits for any business that needs to stay competitive in today’s fast-paced market.

While DevOps certainly worked wonders in helping companies roll out software and updates quickly, it did little in ensuring the safety of the product and the customer. 

DevSecOps is the combination of development (Dev), security (Sec), and operations (Ops). 

The Varying Combinations 

Depending on the company‘s priorities, there is a varying combination of the three sectors as mentioned below:


The DevSecOps design factors in safety, but it’s not the top preference. DevOps companies don’t normally have the tools they need to achieve front-to-back protection measures, and in-house knowledge security teams come too late to trade with security companies.


This title places security at the edge of the development process, figuratively and actually. Prime, the DevOps team, develops and deploys the app; then information security loads in any holes in security. While limited security is more useful than no security, this idea is likely to be ineffective if you aim to secure strong security throughout a product’s development lifecycle.


This program takes security forces into the continuous development and integration (CD/CI) pipeline, including security problems before development starts and at every step of the continuous process.

The Importance of Security

We discussed briefly how there have been many new improvements in IT and how they are used to improve productivity and efficiency. 

However, these variations appear with a downside. Unluckily, many agreement monitoring and security tools haven’t maintained pace with the new developments. 

In conclusion, many rapid application techniques are taken back by weak security standards. When that condition occurs, what’s the value of rolling out the software quickly at all? 

Of course, companies could avoid security rules for the purpose of efficiency, but that’s a risk that could rebound catastrophically. Do you want to risk your most advanced app rollout shifting settled, primarily if the health of your business relies on a successful ship? 

Then there’s the opportunity of many security problems arising after the product has been started, building an army of fierce, disappointed users, many of who wish to walk away from your merchandise and firm.

IT security is a vital concern in today’s digital world, and the warnings won’t go on overnight. Cybercrimes and duplicity are on growth. Confronted with this hard reality, it’s incredible that any organization now would ignore the security features of the DevOps methodology.

To shortly review the difficulties of DevOps security:

  • DevOps teams view security as a problem
  • IT security teams can’t put up with the quick speed of DevOps
  • Many open-source and young tools have inadequate security leaders
  • Inadequately controlled free access controls appear in more attack events

You can match any organization’s positions via IT security with people’s views about health or car coverage. No one wants to pay for it because everything’s working just fine for now, and who needs to spend cash they don’t have to? Everything’s excellent!

Then a disaster operates, and if you don’t own the security in place, you are in great difficulty.

That “why bother?” approach is what DevSecOps advocates want to succeed. Failure to do so could spell difficulties for any business, results that could even result in the company going under.

Benefits of DevSecOps

 Let’s delve into the benefits of choosing it :

  • Teams take security vulnerabilities through development, instead of having the difficulties revealed after app propaganda, where the public is concerned, and the company’s character gets a hit
  • A more reliable return on investment (ROI) in the organization’s security foundation
  • The process is automatic, which involves fewer errors or administration crash incidents, two things that could differently provide to cyber-attacks and downtime
  • Automation suggests that cybersecurity planners aren’t required to configure security consoles, saving up the security teams to manage other driving issues, increasing their agility and speed
  • Better conversation and collaboration among teams
  • More excellent versatility in handling sudden developments during the lifecycle
  • More meaningful moments for quality support testing and automated builds

Implementing DevSecOps Measures

Now that we’ve covered the benefits, how can you adopt this concept in your organization?

The team needs to make sure that safety is developed into the app development from one end to the other to achieve DevSecOps actively in a policy summed up as “shifting security center to the left.” The six essential components of any DevSecOps program are:

Code Analysis

Deliver the software in small parts, making it simpler to spot vulnerabilities quicker.

Change Management

Encourage both agility and efficiency by letting any team member suggest changes, then decide if the change benefits or hurts.

Compliance Monitoring

Be ready for any changes at any time by always staying compliant.

Threat Investigation

Recognize potential developing warnings in each system update and respond soon.

Vulnerability Assessment

Recognize new vulnerabilities with code analysis, then analyze the speed of the response and resolve it immediately.

Security Training

Train software developers and IT engineers with uniform guidelines for all routines.

Here’s a list of special measures linking to the six elements:

  • Automate and regulate the environment, reducing unauthorized entrance
  • Centralize user identifications and access control capabilities, hardening access charge
  • Containers operating microservices must be separated from the network and each other
  • Data within apps and services need to be encrypted
  • Implement more extra secure API gateways
  • Integrate safety scanners for each container
  • Automate constant integration (CI) processes’ in safety measurement
  • Include automated validation tests for safety capabilities in the user agreement test method
  • Automate security updates and applications
  • Automate audits, remediations, and operation and service configuration management skills

The Future of DevSecOps

As this article points out, more companies are adopting DevSecOps as the preferred means of software development. In other words, the possibility of more career possibilities is definite. As more companies see the advantage of end-to-end security implementation, DevOps will both fade away or get incorporated into DevSecOps.

Besides, the more automation that’s attached to the method, the more organizations will embrace DevSecOps. Automation is a time-saver, and, linked with giving better protection, turns DevSecOps implementation into a no-brainer.

To know more about DevOps and DevSecOps and how you can easily adopt these methodologies in your organization, enroll in our foundation or advanced certification courses today! 

Some of the popular DevOps Certification Courses are:

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Ethan Miller is a technology enthusiast with his major interest in DevOps adoption across industry sectors. He works as a DevOps Engineer and leads DevOps practices on Agile transformations. Ethan possesses 8+ years of experience in accelerating software delivery using innovative approaches and focuses on various aspects of the production phase to ensure timeliness and quality. He has varied experience in helping both private and public entities in the US and abroad to adopt DevOps and achieve efficient IT service delivery.


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