VeriSM - A Service Management Framework for Digital Transformation

The service Management concept is merely no longer limited to IT. Every organization is now a service provider. Organizations that focus on selling products need to provide essential services to flourish. The concept of service management can no longer be confined to just one single department; it touches every single element of an enterprise.

In this relate, the VeriSM approach is customized to support an organization to assist them to succeed in the era of digitization. It describes how an organization can easily define its service management principles and uses a combination of management practices to deliver value-added services.

What is VeriSM? Explains the New Service Management Approach

Enterprises adopt numerous service management frameworks and standards; whilst having another service management approach definitely increases misconception, however, if this approach provides a technique to assimilate all the frameworks. This is what the VeriSM approach seeks to achieve. It is a new approach to service management and provides a suitable method to integrate all the essential frameworks and enables practitioners to collect appropriate resources to accomplish the envisioned outcome.

VeriSM is designed to support organizations to provide digital solutions that offer value to clients. The acronym of VeriSM can be explained as follows:

  • Value-driven –mainly focuses on providing value
  • Evolving – an up-to-date service will continue to evolve
  • Responsive – facilitates a customized approach based on business requirements
  • Integrated –helps you to fit all the different practices together
  • Service;
  • Management

Implementing the VeriSM approach means the enterprise can initially focus its efforts on what needs to be done and why it should be done prior to worrying about how the solution may fit into a particular management approach.

VeriSM allows for customized methodology depending upon your business need, the size of your organization, organizational culture, business priorities, and the nature of the project you are working upon.

Significance of VeriSM

The necessity of good service management is increasing as enterprises embrace the concept of digital transformation. The developing business and technological landscape require a different approach to thinking about service management that leverages suitable tools for the task to be accomplished.

The products and services provided by the organization have unique requirements which need to be managed in a reliable way. Having a single department practicing service management is no longer feasible to meet the demands of digitization.

A Comprehensive Insight into VeriSM Model

The VeriSM model starts with governance as well as basic management principles, focused on management mesh at the core, and concentrates on delivering and supporting services considering customer requirements.

The VeriSM model has 4 key principles that overlay management mesh. They are-

  • Define – Starting from gathering customer requirements, the enterprise designs the services using several methods to collect customer requirements. The outcome of this stage is called the service blueprint
  • Produce –This phase comprises building, testing, and implementing a service or product depending upon the service blueprint.
  • Provide– The activities are essential to keep the product or services that are fit for purpose by protecting, maintaining, and improving.
  • Respond–This activity is all about collecting, managing, and addressing customer feedback.

The VeriSM model supports the following activities –

  • Governance– is all about an organization’s culture, values, and policies that control the activities within that organization.
  • Service-Management Principles– are completely based on the organization’s governance. These principles define how actually the activities will be executed.
  • Management Mesh– outlines how an enterprise will combine resources, capabilities, and emerging technology while developing and providing resources.

The governance and service management principles are static as the leadership drives them, whereas the structure of the management mesh varies from project to project. This allows the organization to come up with an assortment of operating models, each specific to organizational requirements at a given instance when the project is being executed.

Components of Management Mesh

One of the unique elements of VeriSM is the Management Mesh. This provides a flexible methodology that can be easily adapted based on a particular product or service requirement.

The Management Mesh Comprises:

  • Resources
  • Environment
  • Emerging technologies
  • Management practices

For every product or service, the aforementioned aspects are considered and a management mesh is activated upon requirement.

Benefits of VeriSM

There are Several key Benefits Associated with this Approach-

  • VeriSM facilitates the organizations to gauge the potentiality of the prevailing technologies and find ways to integrate and implement them in day-to-day operations. This is quite less probable to occur when the operating models are concentrated on operations instead of transformations.
  • It takes a comprehensive view with a focus on digital transformation that allows the organization to leverage prevailing technologies at any instance considering such technologies as solely disruptive.
  • VeriSM service-management approaches fluctuate based on customer requirements and initiatives taken, then popularity.
  • VeriSM process starts with the organization’s vision and objectives, and it also provides the necessary tools to accomplish the task. As such, the process is result driven.

VeriSM – What Makes It Unique From Others?

Here are Certain Aspects that Distinguish VeriSM from Others:

  • Organization as a service provider: Service management is everyone’s job and not just limited to one single department. Making the organization a service provider removes necessary barriers within an enterprise that do not add any sort of business value. It centers on the entire enterprise and not any single department. This is the key to providing a continuous customer experience.
  • Service management principles – These principles align the enterprise with “What is right “and uphold organizational values. In this digital economy, customers are “always on and connected.” Having defined service management principles help the employees to take correct decisions grounded in governance and organizational values.
  • The management mesh – It provides flexibility and agility required by the enterprises in this digital era and enables them to exploit the resources to fit into customer requirements whilst adhering to governance and service management principles.

Target Audience to consider

The main point of VeriSM is about how to provide good products or services in this digital era. Essentially, this is paramount for the success of any organization.

Service management is just not confined to the IT department anymore. Technology runs through every aspect of modern digital business and obviously, the customer expects the best services.

  • Managers– know how to leverage evolving management practices.
  • Service owners and managers– They need to update their skills and understand how service management has improved.
  • Executives– They are responsible for effective service delivery.
  • IT and Non-IT professionals– Should thoroughly understand the service management principles.
  • Everyone within the service organization

VeriSM, a new service management approach reflects the significance of digital services and is exceptionally valuable for organizations going through digital transformation.

Rather than focusing on one prescriptive way of working, VeriSM helps organizations respond to the customers and provide value with integrated service management practices.

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Jacob Gillingham is an Incident Manager with 10+ years of experience in the ITSM domain. He possesses varied experience in managing large IT projects globally. With his expertise in the IT service management domain, currently, he is helping an SMB in their transition from ITIL v3 to ITIL 4. Jacob is a voracious reader and an excellent writer, where he covers topics that revolve around ITIL, VeriSM, SIAM, and other vital frameworks in IT Service Management. His blogs will help you to gain knowledge and enhance your career growth in the IT service management industry.


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