PRINCE2 Certification Training

Top Blogs on Quality Management

A complete, single source reference of top quality management blogs, you have always been looking for. Our quality professionals and coaches bring to you articles, latest updates in quality management, stories, news, infographics and free resources around six sigma, RCA, lean fundamentals, lean IT and overall quality function deployment.

quality management team - Invensis Learning

How to Build Your Quality Management Team?

Long gone are the times when all your quality management team had to do was tick a long list of managerial agreement checkboxes. However, new and improved quality management teams are accountable for producing...
Quality Management System - Invensis Learning

10 Steps on How to Implement a Quality Management System Successfully

The implementation of a quality management system is both a science and an art. It uses information, but also requires the ability to get people involved. It takes an analytical approach, but innovation is also...
six sigma and prince2 - Invensis Learning

PRINCE2 vs Six Sigma: Understanding the Differences

As a project manager, you may have to face these challenges while working on a project. The responsibilities of carrying out a project lie solely on the shoulders of the project manager. Therefore, without...
DMAIC - Invensis Learning

DMAIC – The 5 Phases of Lean Six Sigma

Lean Six Sigma is a process improvement methodology that combines the best of Lean and Six Sigma tools and techniques.  Lean and Six Sigma are similar in terms of their goals, both work towards...
Six Sigma vs ISO 9001 - Invensis Learning

Understanding Six Sigma vs ISO 9001: Key Differences

Quality Management is a crucial part of every industry. It is a skill that helps companies maintain the quality of their goods and services. Maintaining the quality of your services not only benefit your...
Six Sigma vs. Kaizen

Six Sigma vs Kaizen: Understanding the Key Differences

As the entire world is turning into a competitive space, almost every company and organization is starting to implement different methodologies for overall management development. Many training programs are available to improve existing processes...
Six Sigma Versus PMP

Six Sigma Versus PMP: Differences and Similarities

In today’s challenging business landscape, project management is the backbone of any organization. It provides leadership, vision, and motivation to a team to complete a project successfully. Therefore, it has a vital role in...
Is Your Organization Ready to Implement Six Sigma

Is Your Organization Ready to Implement Six Sigma?

The Six Sigma approach has recently been impulsively introduced by several organizations anticipating phenomenal results such as GE, Motorola, and AlliedSignal. Implementing Six Sigma may seem a promising prospect to many, but it does...
Six Sigma Interview Questions

Top 15 Six Sigma Interview Questions with Detailed Answers

Six Sigma (6?) is a collection of process management methods and tools. American Engineer Bill Smith coined it while working at Motorola in 1986. Lean Six Sigma is a technique in quality control that...
Six Sigma can Benefit Small Business

How Small Business can Benefit from Six Sigma

More and more small businesses realize how Six Sigma's methodologies and tools can help them just as much as the big companies who are executing multiple Six Sigma plans many times a year.Building Six...

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