What is Change Management?
The only thing constant today is change. This is why organizations need to be ready to adapt to any changes that may occur externally by making changes in their operations and processes so that...
Everything You Need To Know About ITIL 4 – 2019 Update
With this new ITIL 4 update, professionals who had doubts about ITIL’s waning popularity with regards to employability were laid to rest. ITIL’s place in the service management community will have a stronger foothold...
ITIL Service Strategy – FAQs
Organizations are today looking at the ITIL framework as a methodology that streamlines the overall IT process, brings in cost efficiencies, and better alignment between business and IT. This FAQ series will drill down...
10 Strategies to Build Successful Career in IT Service Management
Acquiring ITIL Knowledge has several advantages but more importantly, higher salary remuneration and landing key job roles are what drive people to go for ITIL certification. But, many do not know how to get...
ITIL Service Design – FAQs
The current article is the second in the five-part FAQ series on the ITIL process stages. If you have missed our earlier article in this series covering FAQs on Service Strategy, you can find...
How ITIL and DevOps Can Co-Exist?
In today’s competitive business environment, organizations are striving to achieve excellence in their service offerings. And this has given rise to robust service management methodologies, first in Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) and now...
ITIL Service Operation – FAQs
The current article is the fourth in the five-part FAQ series on the ITIL process stages. If you have missed our earlier article in this series covering FAQs on Service Transition you can find...
A Comprehensive Guide to IT Service Continuity Management
Service continuity management is a reactive and proactive process that involves contingency planning for recovery in case the information and communication technology service is damaged or put out of action by a sudden disaster....
Discover the 6 Best IT Service Management Tools Available
To establish and maintain a robust IT ecosystem, boost staff productivity, decrease IT risks, and enhance the end-user experience, it's no wonder that the majority of firms are using the best ITSM solutions.
However, we...
ITSM Digital Transformation: Key Benefits Explored
Do you know what digital transformation is, how companies achieve it, and what that means for ITSM? In the present era, digital transformation is spreading widely, and every firm is gearing up for a...